Belfast’s ugliest buildings

I am not known for only sweating the big stuff. I get irrationally angry about the little things all the time. But this building, oh this building drives me to new levels of useless rage.

Among the prettiest parts of Belfast are the area that includes the rather lovely Law Courts, the beautiful St George’s Market  and my beloved Waterfront Hall.

And some developer, in their infinite wisdom, has decided that what Belfast needs is another hideous office block to sit right in the middle of these. Great.

Here is a link to the developer’s website which gives an artist’s impression of the finished building. Doesn’t look QUITE the same does it?

Doesn’t look quite so dark and ugly in the impression does it? Not quite so ‘international centre for evil’.

What the hell happened?

And to add insult to injury, its been in construction for years. The pavement in front of the Waterfront (one of Belfast’s landmark building by the way) has therefore been closed, with some  seriously ugly boarding around the building, just to add an extra wee touch of eye sore.


19/08/2011. Tags: . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.